Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


The phrase that best describes the rule by which Souls live is unconditional love. Our evolution includes Spiritual Resource Centers. They will make unconditional love the spiritual law of the world. Small groups of conscious souls will expand. Unconditional love will be more and more the constant aim of living. “Be kind to everybody” will be a common phrase. “Respect and honor all people” will be a widespread understanding.

  1. We are to love regardless of all challenges.
  2. Loving enemies will become normal.
  3. All embracing love means no exceptions.

The root of this is we are all the same energy. We are all the same. We are all One. In that sense, we are all divine because Divinity shows forth the mind that manifests all things. We are part of that mind. As surely as a drop is also part of water.

The bodies we have are costumes. They reflect the density of our planet homes. If we go to the smallest parts of our bodies, we find a unit that corresponds to the entire universe. Our minds, rightly used, key us into a perception of this Reality.

Unconditional love reflects the joy of our creation in the image of the foundational reality of all that is. It is the joy and bliss of proper mother love for her newborn child. Creation from nothing.

After death, we become immaterial. Yet we are identifiable as ever. And the nearer we are to the essence of Source, the more we become one with our true nature.

We are Souls. We are wed to unconditional love.

But wait there’s more. The Jesus we locked in a place called church turns out to be as universal as can be. He was born with the ability to access everything and to know the truth that all of us can know as well. So to our summary of Soul and Unconditional Love we add the conclusion: Jesus is in love with everyone. Read on.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!