Universal only

Universal only as a universal key phrase

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2015





Universal only.

This is the essential claim of Triadic Philosophy for the following terms.

Meaning they are universal.

Or: They must become real universally.

And: They are lodged in the psyches of all.











Truth Beauty

The capacity of what we do, either as expression or action, to move toward “universal only” is what suggests our own fulfillment, our own capacity for goodness, our own spiritual momentum.

It is something like being able to place ourselves within the infinite. And thereby to replicate the wholeness of universality in the events and exchanges of ordinary life.

Peirce: CP 2.30 Cross-Ref:††

… Euclid, some twenty-two centuries ago, laid it down as a “common notion,” or axiom, evident to all men, that “a whole is greater than its part.” For two millennia and more, this axiom was held to fulfill the ideal of an axiom better than any other, and when men wanted an example of an indubitable axiom, they commonly chose this. It is plain, therefore, that they could not realize in thought the truth of the contrary, try as they might. This is curious; for since Euclid’s time and earlier it had never ceased to be a familiar truth that a finite magnitude added to an infinite one did not increase the latter. … every whole number has a double which is the double of no other integer number. So, for every integer number there is a separate and distinct double; and thus the doubles are as many as the integer numbers. But these doubles are all even numbers; and so, the partial collection is as great as the whole collection.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!