Wars Are Won Daily

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes






Wars are won every day

The battlefield is within

Good stands on top

but we are forced by gravity

to go down toward the bottom.

There to see if not to touch

to know if not to countenance

suspect but maybe not

or execute a punishment

or maybe take a pound or two


Wars are won daily

but only in the conscious state

please let me clarify

there can be no misunderstanding


One form of consciousness

upon the field

knife sharp

blade riddled

blood and guts

That sort of thing

It leaves us books on just how

meaningful war is

Life too has meaning

but you who do not know

what war is

are just minuses in our world

You will never know the fellow-feeling

or the intimate surrender of

our innards to each other

So close

so close

no closer



Then there’s

the counterfeit

the lifeless flaccid


Yea rancid

suicidal vital life

lives in the very dock of

our normality




a binary for you

far-fetched and terrible

all wizened leather-skinned

emblazoned with retirement ribbons


thick as


I have it wrong

oh wrong

how wrong am I


Behind all war

there is


this core of

groomed poison

this dressed lethality

this recondite accounting

this third hand fellow-feeling


“Give them a war that

they can watch in peace

Something pervasive yet confusing

touch everything

Then nod

and say it’s not

as simple as you think”



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!