Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Strange we should ask this one question

When we have just passed a big bill

But what can we do is a subject

That cuts to the center of will


It always comes down to the same thing

To leave our hearts open or closed

To physically breathe deep and open

Or to end up indisposed


When your heart is open the answer

Is given. Just watch it appear

Rise up and do what it tells you

Relax and watch it come clear


I have just done what I advise

A letter to my children three

Sharing the LIGHT that they give me

Each time they appear to me


The more love that wells up inside us

The more all the earth resonates

We all can create the vibrations

For which the Creator waits



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!