Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I felt more than a twinge. maybe a shove

Forward toward bliss when I thought of decline

I listened and heard all the wonders rehearsed

And now wide awake there is no trace of curse


No sign of old stuff dragging me down

No sign of negative specters emerging

Only the unexplained presence of bliss

Perfectly plain I can feel what it is


Bliss is the first word, the second is joy

The third word’s freedom, the last word is love

Taken together they complete a square

Telling us Heaven is now everywhere


And if that is true, all the bad stuff is done

Whatever it was we now stand as released

Surrounded by language beyond all past fights

Transforming the now into endless delights


What happened? Nothing, nothing at all

A realized fantasy, gone with the wind

Leaving a signpost of permanent power

Read it and heed it, embrace the new Hour



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!