What if your vision is wrong?

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2017


The first impulse I have is to write a light song

Gilbert and Sullivan-like

“What if your vision is wrong

I’ll write it down in a song

Of road strangulation

and greedy-soaked nations

and ceding the world

to King Kong”


Sure well I could but

I do not have the Latin

for the judging

or accent

for the positive

or whatever else is needed

to deal with whoever I may be



or when


Nothing in my life

has been more fixed

than my sense

of how out-of-kilter

this world is

And nothing I’ve declared

has been so passed over

and so done with

than my ideas on the subject


A while back

I wrote a book called

“The Visionary”

and tried yet another expression

It sits with other texts

inviting some perusal

sans hype other than this

which to me is

the equivalent

of shouting from the rooftops

Speculative fiction is my way

of allowing for a weird sort of


It matters not

Everything is as it is


Today a pigeon on my ledge

is compensation

for dreaming anything

or dreaming what

I surmise is correct


The pigeon knows

for sure


Would we all have

pigeon consciousness



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!