Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readSep 29, 2019


What is the difference between what I do and what mediums do

A whole world and nothing

What I deliver I could call channeled but I really do not care

I find my confirmation in the commonality of what is said not in the issues of transmission

In the remarkable video above you will be aware that Pamela is having a truthful encounter with Jesus

Depending on your POV, you will accept it or devise some skeptical response to discredit it

I on the other hand will simply say much the same things as natural risings from my effortless communication with Abba

These are as real as can be


Oh yes, I assume that much that I write is “channeled”

But if I wish to know this and have reason to initiate conversation, I do

And I am fully aware that I have only scratched the surface of what is possible


There have been blocks that I accept

There is much common capacity that has not yet become mine

But I will suggest that to all who read this that you go inside you and call on Abba or on whatever guidance would “do it” for you, and then follow the relationship for decades, as I have done, daily, sometimes constantly, and see what happens in your life


Spirituality is an iffy word like most words — but it acknowledges that most of what is is invisible to us. We do not know more than a minuscule fraction of what we will come to know as we move back and forth as explorers and creators of all that is

I am sure the feelings of great past explorers is a portion of what awaits us when we sense the unlimited nature of the spiritual ties we can enjoy


What is the difference between Pamela and myself

None at all

Nor me and thee

Nor me and God



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!