Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes



Every day a revelation

If you can remember dreams

This one I remember well

It evoked the underlying feeling

Of a lesson I needed to learn


Remember Jesus saying

Not my will but thine be done

Thus reconciling himself to the

Biblical narrative of his death

In that story, the will to which he is referring

Is the will of God

And one might infer that when we follow the story

We also say this only to God

But I learned different

We need to say this to everyone

Whose freedom does not align

With ours


You see my dream was

Of a puzzling interlude

In which a relationship

Seemed both perfect and

Woefully wrong

Not an unusual conundrum

And the lesson of the dream was

That we must accept the freedom

Of all Souls


As much love as I saw eviscerated

By the crashing of this interlude

My lesson at the time

Learned only many decades later

Is that it was to her that I should have said

Not my will, but thine be done


And every time from now on

I know this is my law of action

To one and all I say

Not my will but thine be done


And the reason is transparently simple

We are on different paths

When they are not aligned

Hell nor high water will prevail

We will be crushed if we cannot back off


To love neighbor as self

(If we can love ourselves adequately)

We need to recognize the divine freedom

Of everybody


Every life finally gets what it wants

And It is not our business to judge why

Our business is to accept the freedom of all

And then ply our own unique course

With attention to the wondrous university we each have within us



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!