Chris Meisenbacher
4 min readJan 22, 2017

Why do we Share what we Write?

Why do we Share what we Write?

Why do we write down our thoughts, then share them with others? I will not crow, as if, I was the first to ask. I have viewed Life from various positions with various intentions from the start. Like a photographer who observes and scrutinizes the world and then, by pushing a button, captures emotion in a split second. The hope is to communicate, using an image instead of words.

An instructional talk was given by the newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane to the Syracuse Advertising Men’s Club, in March 1911: “Use a picture. It’s worth a thousand words.”

Others say this is a Chinese proverb.

Still, no matter the quote or where it came from, words matter. In this case, it took 8 words.

Enough down that rabbit trail.

Our activities involve others, particularly when our handiwork creates emotions and feelings. These actions can trigger unexpected consequences.

Thoughts and ideas are powerful. Some reflect an exaggerated view, some a higher purpose, some destiny. Regardless, where is inspiration born and why do we share?

Do we aspire to benefit others? Are we yearnings to connect? Is our object attention? Must we justify our motivations for sharing? Or, is it vindication we seek. A desire for some sort of restitution explain our words and pictures?

As I reflect on way I write, one of the more vulnerable reasons must be, I can offer a glimpse into my conversations with, myself and the Spirit of The Lord. Another would be to humbly offer my views on different subjects.

For some I, can let them know, they are not alone. To arrange for another, the opportunity not to be so shut off. I write so I feel the release of Wisdoms, explanations of painful times. So, wounds can begin to heal, and anger or hate have no place to stay. I would also hope maybe a few could, avoid mistakes I have made, hope another would stand on my shoulders, to go beyond me. I am also able to offer an explanation for pain or anger, until they can work it out for their own minds. I would not want them to fester, to then be morphed into something else.

Some may think, my views on Jesus and Wisdom are foolish thoughts. That’s OK but, if I have helped another, well I am not that intelligent. So, when I can offer a beneficial, or a one-sided dialogue which is what sharing my thoughts in words actually are, at least to me. That’s confirmation to me, my blind Faith stands stronger.

I have filled journals with thoughts, questions, and ideas maybe to, have proof I was here. Yet, if I share a thought or point-of-view and someone remembers have I become immortal? Still, I know this world is fleeting, more quickly now than ever before. People plagiarize now more than in any other time I think. It does not really bother me, nothing new is under the sun, my thoughts are if I shared Wisdom and another gains I am not due any credit.

No, I truly hope people share, so they challenge thoughts and ideas. Over time to many books, scrolls, and stone tablets have been destroyed. Knowledge lost for a time, only to be claimed by another. This has happened countless times.

I believe we have a responsibility to edify others; to build up one another. I will leave the tearing down for the book burners, for those who are afraid of being wrong. For those who have an agenda. I only offer a view, a hope for another to think there is Hope out there. Yet, when injustice stomps on voices, we have a duty to speak up in the fashion best suited for us. I speak better than I write, for I can allow His Love to speak through me. Writing down the words is, a bit trickier for me. Still, if any thoughts touch you in a fashion that truly benefits you, well, I am not that smart or clever.

When two thoughts oppose, it is not a given only one is right, both may be incorrect. In the city directions are given by streets. In the country, not so much. Still, a person on point A can be told how to get to point B, their only requirement is to listen. So, it is with thoughts and ideas, if they are heard they have the power to lead, or create ambiguity.

Before we give collage away, is it not more important that all can read? As, writers I would think our focus must be on the ones who, see nothing when they look upon words. I am more in favor we insure all can read and write, first and foremost. Again, as writers we know how to fly, so we have a responsibility not to soar over their heads and look down on those who lack the ability, to at least read thoughts of others and write down their own thoughts and views.

As a Dad, I always spoke over my children’s head, using words they did not at first understand. Not for my ego, but with hope they would ask the meaning of the words. Now I am a Grandfather and I still do the same yet, if they do not ask, I explain because, I still speak over my children’s heads, sadly.

I will dare optimism (which is not my nature) that I made some sense. That I challenged you writers of emotions, views, thoughts that move others to at least, feel, or ponder, to reveal the scales that balance beliefs.

Chris Meisenbacher

Blessed w/ ADHD. Slaying Dragons and Giants are common. Thinking outside the box is moot, there are no boxes? I am defined by,The Love and Grace from Jesus.