Why Forgiveness Makes Sense

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


There is a simple reason for forgiving

The past can never be remade

Revenge by any name is


That’s what we do when we can’t think

We cannot think when we are thoughtless

We’re thoughtless when we slip down evil’s slope

How many ways are there to say it

Forgiveness is nothing but reality

It’s when there’s nothing you can do

It’s when there is no use in trying

It’s when whatever’s done is done

It’s common sense

So why forgive at all

Because it builds our freedom

Like lego blocks inside us

It is how we vanquish memories that hobble us

She left you it is over stop obsessing live for now

Forgiveness can create the skids you need

They stole and lied but that was yesterday

It is a crime but damn they got away

Forgive them

They knew exactly what they did

Forgiveness makes sense because we have a freedom deficit

And we are the only ones who can manufacture it

Forgiveness makes sense because being realistic is good

Forgiveness makes sense because time is valuable and wasting it is a shame

Forgiveness makes sense because it just may turn out that everything and everyone is saved

And all these things we thought were over get gone over until all the sorry perps are genuinely sorry for what they did or didn’t do

That gets us into a theory of heaven and hell

We need one

The one we have is obsolete and makes little sense

There is no paradise save earth if we do right

We do right by siezing now and lettings bygones be




Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!