Why Gaia and TM overstep reason

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readSep 23, 2018



Reason means what makes sense. Reason is overstepped when claims are not sensible. The claim that anything human works universally oversteps reason.

The result of believing such claims is risk. Claims of universal efficacy are a warning sign, TM’s claims are sensible but it is not sensible to suggest that TM is the only way that works. Gaia’s claims of knowledge about the aims of the spirit world are not sensible and can be harmful.

Harm is believing in the inevitability of conflict. Harm is investing in sham theories. Harm is believing we know truths that are impossible to know.


I maintain that LOVE POWER describes the nature of reality. It is my claim. It is true for me.

If others agree, I do not add them to a list. I advise they give to KIVA. No organization or leader can save humanity, but we are known by what we do and how we do it.

When there is widespread consensus on a proposition tends to be believed. Unfortunately, some propositions prove false. The power and efficacy of love has never proved false, though we have often distorted love by the misuse of our power.


I also champion the individual. This is because each individual is at bottom a soul. This is my opinion and the only proof is in the lives of those who understand that they have a mission related to LOVE POWER.

Many individuals do not to believe as I do. But evidence piles up and much of it has survived the basic requirements of science. Failure to see and report this merely delays the triumph of this reasoning.

The revolution in thought today is seismic. A great change is underway. Reality is either all there is or we are left to a binary universe with binary consequences.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!