Will is good

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Will is good

Not merely good will

But will itself

To say it isn’t is

to misunderstand


There are two sorts of will

There is the rarely needed ooomph sort

that betokens

a resolve that needs to push

a marshaling of energy to achieve an immediate goal

like a remission of something

This is not recommended

or needed

as a daily methodology

It might lead to apoplexy

in an exercise nut

But it has its place


Then there is

the lovely Assagioli sort of will

merely an aspect of the choices

we make via conscious colloquy

(Assagioli gave us


a gift not all yet

know about

But they will)


This second sort of will

is merely a determination

a flagging

a capacity to say

this way or that

this thing or that

whatever sign one

is considering


To say will is not useful

is like saying

we can do without

a tenth or so of capacity

(Do you mind

if I take out

a random tenth?)


The will remains one way

Thus ends my catechism



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!