Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2022


The lyricist was overreaching

No grapes of wrath exist

There is no wrath

Not even one small negative



Oh yes, there is the thought of wrath

And thoughts take on reality

As do all deeds before they manifest

We make polluted skies

And deadly seas

And every massacre we wrongly celebrate

What is a fantasy but the illusion that

Can be reality when founded on Love’s premises

Or else it wilts and is dispersed as all negatives are


Thoughts tell in all dimensions

Reality is reserved to realms where positives reign

Action is purified as Souls become awake


Wrath is done in as surely as

All instances of violence and mayhem

There is no wrong too small to be ignored



Then dissolution

Until Love is perceived to rule the Universe

Not by barring freedom

But by insisting that Souls are always better

Than they allow themselves to be when

Freedom is abused


Truth does not march on over assumed realities

Soldiers who did each other in are loving Souls

In Heaven

Murderers consort with victims

Reality is falsity when destruction

Is deemed real

What’s real is Love alone



Good thoughts

Just Love alone


Heaven is just

We all evolve

We all end up more wise

It’s us reality’s about

What we did to enhance it

What we did to destroy

What we do to make reparation

There is no punishment

Save what we self-create

And everything we do is forgiven


When a Soul wakes up to that

All Heaven celebrates

And said Soul makes his way

Dispersing what was wrong

And thus and only thus

Are all Souls finally unified

No place is left for wrath and its accomplices

And we are left to think that this is how it is



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!