‘Yes you are’ from “The Adventures of the Teen Jesus”

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes



It was a few days past the conversation about “exuberance”. Jesus was letting exuberance have its way. He let his mind go and simply felt. The results were almost seismic. He became viscerally aware of the way his own body perked up when he saw a young girl who frequently passed the house where he lived. He knew from scuttle-talk the notions behind the production of children from men and women but he now had embarrassing evidence of his own proclivities and potential.

Exuberance seemed like an invitation to evil. Was it? Abba had suggested it was a matter of control. Of authority. Jesus had little use for either control or authority. He was attuned to freedom. He was inclined to goodness and justice. Exuberance threatened to drag him down. If this was growing up he had second thoughts.

“How are you today Jesus?” Abba asked. “You’re growing, you know.”

“I don’t know. I’m fine. Exuberant.”

But Jesus’ tone was flat, ironical, almost as though he was talking just to himself.

“You are finding out that life is not as simple as it once seemed.”

“Perhaps,” Jesus said.

“Do you know why I brought up exuberance?” Abba asked.

“No. I’m more confused than ever sometimes.”

“What is the aim of all of this, Jesus?”

“To bring people to you,” Jesus said.



“Jesus, there is within all persons an authority. Call it me. Call it reason. Call it decency. It is the voice within that says do what I say. When you are a teacher out there you will ask people why they do not do as you say. What you say, what I say, may well be justice. But not in so few words. It will be the words that vary with time and circumstance. You might say ‘Be fair.’ and tell a story. Or ‘Be just.’ and elaborate. Everything we say, Jesus, stems from truth and beauty. These are the foundation of justice. Of the way. Of life itself. All our words say ‘Do as I say.’ ”

“Our words.” Jesus listened intently.

“Truth and beauty are our authority, Jesus . There is a difference between authority and control. We control no one. But what we say comes from a place of authority over all. From truth, beauty, freedom, justice, love. All these. We are united, Jesus. I open in you what is me. You open in all what is in all — universal, true and beautiful.”

“But I am not you,” Jesus said, alarmed.

“Yes you are.”

(To be continued.)

Stephen C. Rose writes daily. Medium is his drafting board. Kindle his marketplace. You the reader his hopeful supporter. He promotes his thought and art on Twitter and has his own publication on Medium called Everything Comes which any new writer can join on the way to finding his or her way. Drafts of his fiction completed and in progress can be found on Coffeeliciouswhich is also a Medium publication.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!