You are the solution to your problems…

Everything Comes
Published in
1 min readMar 20, 2016

“You are the solution to your problems.”

A sentence that few will believe in,

A sentence that will sound false to those who have already admitted defeat,

But that will restore hope

To those who refuse to see fate installed in their lives.

You are the solution.

It is not about solve all the ills of this world in a blink of an eye,

To change the setbacks into victories in a snap of finger,

Or deny these bitter flavor realities.

This is about a winner attitude.

Indeed, from your reaction to the difficulties,

Will depend your chances of success.

You could refuse to succumb, or

Instead, you could let yourself catch up in the thick cloud of adversity,

The choice is yours,

This is your destiny that you hold in your hands.

We all face challenges,

We all meet unfairness,

Yet only a few of us

Dare to face these problems

And declare that their victory is already full.

This is where the solution is.

No need potion or incantation,

Because your faith, your strength will naturally make a mockery of your problems…

