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“You’re going to be tussling” — from “The Adventures of the Boy Jesus”

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2015



Jesus figured everything changes except for Abba and what Abba says. Words of truth, beauty, justice.

Jesus grew by inches. Not into a giant. But an inch is an inch.

Now Jesus and Abba conversed as the boy walked around or worked. Sometimes Jesus sat somewhere and the talk would come. It might come as he woke in the morning. Or waited for sleep. His lips might move but his talk was not audible.

Jesus knew more and more that he might fail. The simple message of repentance, forgiveness and Abba’s nearness might be rejected. He would have to learn arguments.

“And you will need to fight back,” Abba said out of the blue.

“Fight? How?”

“With love,” Abba answered.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you feel love for everyone you meet and see?”

“No. I can see it would be good if I did.”

“You are going to be tussling with people who do not like you one bit. You are going to divide people. And you are going to respond by not fighting back.”


“By being loving and free. You’ll figure it out.”


“Yes. You are going to be tussling from the start.”

See The Adventures of The Child Jesus

Stephen C. Rose has written more than 60 books (Fiction/Non-fiction). Tweet him here. In addition to Everything Comes his writings may be found at The Coffeelicious which is also on Twitter and Facebook.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!