The “Always-On” Work Culture: Unplugging The 24*7 Work Cycle Of Gen Z and Millennials

Swati Kadam
Everything Corporate
3 min readDec 15, 2023
The “Always-on” Work Culture of Millenials and Gen Z

In our hyper-connected era, where technology intertwines seamlessly with our daily lives, the line between work and personal time has blurred significantly. This evolution has birthed the “always-on” work culture, a phenomenon acutely impacting Generation Z and Millennials.

Drawing insights from the article “Always-On Workplaces Cause Stress,” this piece delves into the root causes of this stress and explores ways to alleviate its impact on today’s workforce.

The “Always-On” Work Culture

Picture this: You’re trying to enjoy your favorite show and ding — there goes another work email. Thanks to our tech-savvy world, the line between ‘at work’ and ‘off work’ is as blurry as my vision before my morning coffee.

The rise of smartphones, constant connectivity, and remote work has led to a work culture that spills over traditional office hours. Gen Z and Millennials often find themselves bombarded with work-related emails and notifications, leading to a perpetual state of being tied to their jobs.

This constant connectivity takes a toll on mental health, causing increased stress levels and disrupting the work-life balance.

Why Are We So Stressed?

Here’s the deal: It’s not just the emails and notifications. It’s the pressure of being available around the clock. It’s like being in a race where the finish line keeps moving. And guess what? It’s taking a toll on our mental health. We’re talking anxiety, burnout, and a work-life balance that’s more off-kilter than a seesaw.

Breaking Down the Stress Factors

Unrealistic Expectations

Ever feel like you need to respond to work stuff ASAP, no matter the time? Yeah, that’s the ‘Always-On’ culture for you, setting up expectations that would make even superheroes sweat.

Where’s the Off Button?

Mixing work and personal life is like adding pineapple to pizza — it’s not for everyone. Without clear boundaries, our personal time gets hijacked by work.

FOMO Strikes Again

Fear of missing out isn’t just for social events. It’s about worrying you’ll miss that one critical email and suddenly, your career’s on the line.

The Burnout Bandwagon

This hustle culture has us all striving for success 24/7, but at what cost? Spoiler: It’s our well-being.

So, What’s the Game Plan?

Balance is Key

Companies need to step up and champion work-life balance. Think policies that actually let you unplug after work.

Flexibility for the Win

How about work arrangements that don’t chain us to the 9-to-5 grind? Flexibility can be a game-changer.

Communication Rules

Setting clear expectations for after-hours communication can be a lifesaver. No more midnight email panics!

Mental Health Matters

Providing support for mental health isn’t just nice; it’s necessary. We’re talking counselling, stress management — the works.

Wrapping It Up

The ‘Always-On’ work culture is like a puzzle we’re all trying to solve. But here’s the good news: We’re talking about it, and that’s the first step to change. By setting boundaries, embracing flexibility, and prioritizing our mental health, we can start to turn the tide.

Remember, folks, it’s not about working harder; it’s about working smarter and healthier. Let’s keep this conversation going and make the ‘Always-On’ culture a thing of the past!

