Crypto Bear Market Investing Strategy: Fundamental Projects

Includes 5 of the most deserving crypto projects out there

Everything Crypto
6 min readJun 24, 2022


WAGMI (We are Gonna Make It) is a popular catchphrase in the crypto community. It builds confidence and provides optimism…But in reality, it only works in a bull market.

Replace WAGMI with DIOR

Oops, I didn’t mean the luxury brand. I meant DYOR (Do Your Own Research).

I know. We hear it all the time! But too many people aren’t listening—they instead set themselves up to become exit liquidity for other investors. And then get rekt!

WAGMI is a trap:


Here’s Some Good News!

Prices don’t get any lower in a bear market. Good projects with great fundamentals are trading at affordable prices. It’s the best time to accumulate. But first:

You Need a Bear Market Investing Strategy

Saying you’re going to HODL doesn’t count. Instead, you should identify performing blockchains and solid tech infrastructure projects with great fundamentals. Let me show you how…

The Strategy To Investing in Solid Tech Infrastructure Projects During The Bear Market

Key Info: The crypto market’s high volatility means prices could go as low as -50% or lower during bear markets. Projects that aren’t solid or non-fundamental won’t survive.

Here’s the strategy in a nutshell: Identify solid infrastructure projects that have low prices but are strong enough to withstand a bear market and are likely to rally during the bull season.

But wait, how do you know if a project’s price is low enough? Simple — Ask yourself if it’s cheap. For example, nobody knows how low Bitcoin will go right now, but most can agree that it’s cheap to buy.

Anyway, let me show you how to identify solid infrastructure projects.

Infrastructure projects are what decentralized systems and Web3 apps are built on. In other words, they are projects other projects depend on. Here’s why they’re unique:

They’re Designed For High Usage

A byproduct of infrastructure projects is constant blockchain activity, making them valuable assets. High activity = high volume. Also, their consistent adoption by developers will either maintain or increase its value, making it worth investing in.

They Are Tomorrow’s Technology

Change is imminent, which the internet or tech isn’t immune to. The future of the internet is gradually changing to Web3, and building technology for this future is important. This technology includes decentralized projects and projects built on core concepts like transparency and artificial intelligence. Investing in projects prepared or preparing for an imminent future makes a great investment, irrespective of the season.

They’ve Got Strong Fundamentals to Withstand a Bear Market

Blockchains, or projects with high use cases, which also serve as platforms for developing future tech, are projects with solid fundamentals. Remember, projects without fundamentals don’t survive bear markets. They won’t have enough liquidity to survive. This isn’t the same for solid infrastructure projects as they can weather the volatility of a bear market.

Almost Guaranteed Profits During The Bull Market

A bear market is just a correction and should be considered temporary. A bull season always comes, which symbolizes hope for the crypto community. This makes it crucial to be perfectly positioned in a bear market by identifying projects with strong fundamentals and use cases. Hence, any project or Blockchain building for Web3 or concerned with Web3 development are great projects to invest in.

Now, let’s dive into the infrastructure projects that deserve your attention!

5 Top Infrastructure Projects and Their Advantages

The Graph

The Graph’s vision is to build a decentralized indexing protocol for a better internet — Web 3.0. The Graph network is a platform for building decentralized apps (dApps) with its Web 3.0 open protocols. The Graph network queries Blockchain data by ingesting, processing, indexing, and disseminating verifiable data to consumers, either entrepreneurs or developers.

With The Graph, Blockchain data querying is fast, secure, and reliable, with verifiable integrity. APIs are also easily built and published. Plus, the subgraph makes data easily accessible. The network supports the Ethereum chain, with NEAR and EVM to be added to the network soon.

The analysis of blockchain data into meaningful information is invaluable to developers, entrepreneurs, or any end-users in creating decentralized apps. The Graph provides this service and makes a wide range of blockchain data accessible for querying.

PARSIQ Network

With Web3 and its core principle of decentralization yet to go mainstream, blockchain technology development and spreading is greatly needed (only 3.9% of the planet use crypto). In anticipation of this need, the PARSIQ Network and its solutions, including Tsunami API, Data Lakes, Data Hubs, SDK, Atlas, and PARSIQ Hybrid, hope to provide all present and future Web3 and decentralized needs.

The PARSIQ network will serve as the backend for all Web3 dApps through its Software Development Kits (SDK) and foundational technology.

PARSIQ being a complete data network solution provides users with real-time and historical data, solves the scalability problem, and makes Web3 development and adoption faster.

Their network anticipates imminent future needs and creates a present solution to meet them. This makes it a great project to invest in.


Web3 development requires special nodes, which also need persistent monitoring and maintenance. This involves a lot of time, which developers might not have, as they focus on the built product.

QuickNode is an infrastructure network bearing the responsibility of launching and maintaining blockchain nodes. Consequently, it allows developers and entrepreneurs to focus more on the product and less on the infrastructure. It is supported on more than 13 blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, and BSC.

QuickNode serves as a Web3 developer platform for building and scaling blockchain decentralized applications and as an analytics platform. It achieves this by providing core infrastructures and developer tools in addition to API.


Nodes are essential for reading and writing within blockchain technology. Developers and entrepreneurs spend lots of money setting up and developing their nodes that can write and interpret blockchains. In addition to being expensive, it takes up many engineering hours, which the product needs.

What Alchemy does is to provide a node that is scalable, decentralized, and able to read and write on blockchains faster. It offers full node functionality, including JSON-PRC support, scalability, reliability, and accuracy. This includes analytics, monitoring, debugging, and alerting tools for crypto software.

Alchemy provides the infrastructure and tools needed for broad application development and adoption. Building on blockchain technology will be difficult, expensive, and time-consuming without its scalable and decentralized nodes.


Transitioning from Web2 to Web3 and onboarding the next billion users isn’t bound to be an easy feat—this is a challenge Biconomy is facing head-on.

Their goal is to simplify transactions and decentralized apps. In addition, it also aims to make decentralization easy and accessible to everybody through interoperable and usable components. This makes Biconomy an infrastructure platform for transactions.

Biconomy’s plug-and-play API and SDK mean Web3 and decentralized apps will be more user-friendly, frictionless, and more appealing to new users.

With the functions mentioned above, Biconomy is ideally placed as a great investment project in a bear market.

Final Thoughts

A bear market is the best investment opportunity. But only when solid infrastructure projects for building or maintaining decentralized products are identified. Decentralization is one of the core principles of Web3. This puts such projects in high demand, as they provide a future solution to an imminent shift.

These blockchains and networks are dedicated to making this shift possible and seamless. Nothing else beats them in a bear market.

Thank me later!

