Medium publication guidelines

Write For Us - Everything Education

Submission guidelines for our publication about education

Anique Van de Put
Everything Education
3 min readNov 21, 2022


Welcome to Everything Education, the place for writers and readers to exchange about all education-related topics.

If you want to become a writer for the publication, please read this story.

If you’re not a paying Medium member, you can read this story here.


Everything published on Everything Education will be education-related. Here are a few examples:

  • Your experience in school / college
  • Your opinion on homework
  • How does the school system in your country work?
  • Tips about doing your homework or helping someone with their homework
  • Pro’s and con’s of going to college
  • Homeschooling
Picture of a white small wall with a sign on it in the shape of a pencil. On the sign it reads “love to learn”.
Photo by Tim Mossholder

How to become a writer for Everything Education?

If you’d like to submit your drafts about education-related topics to our publication, you must complete the following steps:

  • Make sure you follow the publication.
  • Read the guidelines, rules and…

