17 Questions “HIGH SCHOOL DAYS” Challenge

Challenged by Diana Pippin and Lu Skerdoo

Deb Palmer
Everything Fun
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2023


Photo by Alina Rubo on Unsplash
  1. What year did you graduate? 1971
  2. Did you carpool? Sort of. My boyfriend picked me up in his GTO every morning. He lived down the block and I could hear the rumble of the engine when he started it up.
  3. What kind of car did you drive? I didn’t get a driver’s license until I was married. I walked everywhere. I always had at least one job but never put together the money for a car. I guess after rent and necessities like party supplies, there wasn’t much left.
  4. It’s Friday night, were you there? If I wasn’t working, I was getting in trouble — probably somewhere other than “there.”
  5. What kind of job did you have? I worked at a variety store and a 24-hour diner. The drug store job qualified me for early release from school.
  6. Were you a party animal? Yes
  7. Were you considered a jock? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA — Just the thought makes me laugh.
  8. Were you in the band? Same answer as number 7.
  9. Were you a nerd? Same answer as number 7.
  10. Did you ever get suspended? Yes, frequently.
  11. Can you sing the fight song? Was there a fight song?
  12. What was your H.S…



Deb Palmer
Everything Fun

Author & Freelance Storyteller — Sweeping humor and gut-wrenching truth from under the rug —