Christmas This Or That Challenge

Challenge accepted, Toni!

Maribelle Az
Everything Fun
3 min readDec 18, 2022


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1. Christmas Eve or 🎄Christmas Day?

Christmas Eve. The highlight is going to Christmas Eve service with my family and celebrating the reason for the season. Ending the evening singing Christmas Carols with the congregation never fails to bring a tear to my eye as I sit with my arms around my nieces and nephew, full of gratitude for a year of blessings.

2. Santa or No Santa?

I do believe in Santa Claus. Santa embodies the spirit of giving, of miracles, and the magic of the season.

Believe in love. Believe in magic. Hell, believe in Santa Clause. Believe in others. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. If you don’t, who will?Jon Bon Jovi

3. Naughty or Nice?

Nice. Are you reading this, Santa?

4. Egg Nog or ☕Hot Chocolate?

Vegan Egg Nog. I thank my oldest niece for getting me to try it and now I prefer it to the dairy version. Can’t say the same for “tofurkey”, however!

5. Velvet or Fur?

Fur if it’s still worn by its owner.

6. Red or White?

White during the Christmas season, Red the rest of the year!

7. Peppermint or Cinnamon?

Peppermint. Growing up we would make a special trip to Marshall Field’s for their seasonal Frango Peppermint Bark after window shopping on State Street, where they were produced on the 13th floor of the flagship store for 70 years! I remember the scent to this day. When I open a box it’s my “petite Madeline” moment.

8. Frosty ⛄️or Rudolph?

Rudolf. I recently rewatched the Rankin-Bass version of “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” and discovered that the narrator, voiced by Burl Ives, played Sam the Snowman, and not Frosty!

9. Mistletoe or Mommy Kissing Santa Claus?


10. Real 🎄or Fake?

Fake. I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing I have a fire hazard cooking under flashing lights.

11. Wrapped 🎁or Bagged?

I like Gift Bags and I cannot lie. My “wrapping” skill’s stultified!

12. Home for the Holidays or 🌎 Christmas Abroad ?

Home for the holidays is a feeling, not a place. My family is where it’s at.

13. Prancer 🦌or Dancer?

Didn’t they both bully Rudolph? In human form I imagine them as Scut Farkus and Grover Dill — the antagonists in “The Christmas Story.”

14. Let It Snow ❄️or Mele Kalikimaka?

Let It Snow sung by Dean Martin.

15. Baubles or 🌿Garland?

I have a sampler platter of both on my tilted tree dripping with ornaments. Though, they don’t stay put for long thanks to our cats’ love of sparkly, shiny trinkets and tinsel.

16. Gas or 🔥Wood-Burning?

Does a fake fireplace count? I’m too fire-phobic to have a real one.

17. City or 🏠Rural?

Suburban…with access to a big city.

18. Turkey or Roast Beef?

Since spending half the year in Florida, a Turkey “Pub Sub” is my new favorite sandwich.

19. Elf 🧝or The Grinch?

The Grinch voiced by Boris Karloff.

20. Cookies 🍪or Fudge?

Chocolate chip cookies co-made with my youngest niece, who loves to bake.

