Comedian Franklyn Ajaye Picks Up the Mic Again After 11 Year Hiatus

When the universe calls — pick up.

Toya Qualls-Barnette
Everything Fun
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2023


Comedian Franklyn Ajaye at John Cain Arena in Melbourne
Photos courtesy of Franklyn Ajaye at the John Cain Arena in Melbourne, March 2023

Two stars aligned. The timing was right — a stroke of serendipity delivered Ajaye back into the limelight.

When our mind soul connection — intrinsically wired and open, we can count on the universe to deliver our heart’s desire…



Toya Qualls-Barnette
Everything Fun

*Top writer in This Happened To Me| Writing about the impact of relationships|Contributor to Chicken Soup for the Soul| Dreamer|Mother|HSP in drag