Book review

It’s Raine(ing) Lore, Hallelujah

Because the heavens were all out of men

Patrick Eades
4 min readJan 5, 2023


Image courtesy of Raine Lore.

For those of you unfamiliar with the works of Raine Lore, you should make yourselves familiar.

One of the great storytellers of her generation (she prefers not to have her age disclosed, but it’s somewhere between the ancient Romans and the millennials), Raine is also a ‘real top sheila’ (quote taken from author’s bio).

Since joining medium last year, one of my great joys was discovering Raine’s writing. I found her musings to be hilarious, tender and thoughtful. And occasionally perverted.

Her stories often became the highlights of my week, the joyful shot of mirth I needed to kick me up the arse and drag me out of the doldrums.

But 3–7 minutes of Raine is simply not enough. We live in Australia, the land of the drought. The big red earth needs a deadset deluge to quench its thirst.

It needs more Raine.

Thankfully, like a massive literary nimbus, Raine has sprinkled her writings far and wide, and many of these downpours landed on paper.

I chose (was strongly recommended) to read Recompense. Perhaps this was a sign, a hint at making good for all the harm and filth I have dumped on society.



Patrick Eades

Writer who likes to make people laugh and think. Or at least think about laughing. Loves all animals and most humans.