Why I Will Miss Everything Fun

Thank you

Paul Gardner
2 min readMar 13, 2023
Photo by the author

I didn’t like the 2023 American Academy Award-winning film Everything Everywhere All at Once.

But I loved the Medium publication Everything Fun.

It was the brainchild of Hollie Petit, Ph.D. She got a lot of help from her friends, Natalie & Toni the Talker.

Hollie explains here why she is ending the publication.

My day job for forty years was teaching Politics.

I loved the job, students, and colleagues. The subject matter, however, was everything but fun.

On Medium, I write little about politics. And read even less.

Ted Lasso is my guide, kindness the lodestone.

There is little kindness in politics, including on my side.

Even less humor.

Everything Fun provided an outlet for kind and humorous stories.

In the future, I will have to find another destination for stories like the one that would have accompanied the Eggo photo.

OK, since you asked, I will give you the short version.

Rebecca is in Houston visiting and babysitting grandchild # seven, Alice. She also has children and grandchildren in Boston and Washington, D.C.

I, affectionately known as grand-friend, always accompany her. But the weather turned nasty, and I had a previous commitment, so she flew out a few days early.

When we met 12 years ago, we promised to honor each other’s houses, community, friends, and family.

The two houses allow us to spend five days apart every month.

We’ve never met a couple who did not think this was a good idea.

My late Uncle Al could not even boil water without my Aunt Jackie.

But my father knew his way around the kitchen. So do I.

Sort of.

Rebecca makes phenomenal meals.

When she’s away, I indulge in several guilty pleasures.

Breyer’s Chocolate Ice Cream.

My famous bean soup, with Hormel’s processed, smoked ham as the secret ingredient.

And Eggo Waffles.

With a side of processed ham.

To my delight, when I tore open this new package of waffles, I discovered Eggo has a new sealable package. Isn’t that just like a corporation? Always looking out for the customer.

You can see it in the photo above.

Of course, it doesn’t seal.

But that’s OK.

Rebecca will be back soon.



Paul Gardner

I’m a retired college professor. Politics was my subject. Please don’t hold either against me. Having fun reading, writing, and meeting.