It’s not the AI, it’s the Human we need to fear.

Saurabh Palan
Everything HARDware
2 min readAug 11, 2015

@ElonMusk and Stephen Hawking are right. Artificial Intelligence will be an end of us all. But this post is not about the warning, but more about the deep understanding behind the logic.

Recently, Ex-Machina showcased explicitly why AI is dangerous, and the answer to that lies in the fact that it’s Human (Caleb) who led to the end of us and not the creator (Nathan) nor the robot (Ava).

Let’s dive a bit deeper. Nathan is an highly intelligent individual who clearly understands the risk and develops Ava in middle of no-where to avoid any flaws being introduced in the process to make a perfect AI. Then he introduces an less evolved Caleb in the mix and things go south.

Nathan always had the ability to differentiate and identify the human from machine. He never got emotionally attached or involved with any of the robots including Ava. Caleb on the other hand was a weak minded human who got manipulated by the robot to help it get out into the world. He even showed the robot how to kill humans by slitting himself and planting the seed in AI.

Thus, we as human (99.99%) fall in that weak minded category. We are easily manipulated, cheated and used by our own kind (and even our pets). We get emotionally attached and dependent and that is something that will be the downfall for us but also is what makes us human and flawed.

AI, if made without any flaws cannot co-exist and will thus lead to destruction of us all. For us, the challenge is to not make an AI, but an Artificial Emotionally Intelligence (AEI) to be able to co-exist, assist and maybe be our friends.

AEI has it’s own flaws and Challenges, but let’s leave that for next post.



Saurabh Palan
Everything HARDware

Building Products to Empower, Elevate & Enhance The Human Experience | Always Hungry & Always Foolish | Dad to a Future Superhero | Roboticist at heart