Mental Health Illness .. stigma, ignorance or denial?

Diana C Ariza
3 min readMar 18, 2020

I’m sitting down taking a train to my city. The city life has giving me a space to live in… not by choice.. but a sequence of choices shown by destiny.

The truth is, I used to hate that city. Not because is not great, diverse or it has so much to offer. But maybe because I always blamed the place, for the lack of culture, community support, economic stability and maybe…. my personal success… or so I thought for a long time.

We moved to this city with my little one when he turned 1 year old; only, because the work prospects for my partner wasn’t giving us any good future promises. Work in construction was scarce. the economy bubble was at its peak, and we were young, with one kid up our sleeves…. and many dreams left hanging.

We moved back to the place where we met with my partner. Where we went to College together. The place I thought I ruined my career in Biomedical engineering .. the place I always had setbacks all along since I lived by myself when I turned 18. The place I had many friends, yet no body to really get me. Or get, what I was trying to accomplish.

I worked two jobs, full time student and had a life filled with little parties here and there. I considered myself not too crazy, but will say yes to any new adventure. Then I met the little guy who changed my life. The one who will make me see what I was missing, yet, who I struggled a lot with. But this writing piece is not about my story.

This writing piece is about the story I have found in my path. The ones who have been silent with their mental disorder. I thank them they have confided in me …. and I hope they have been able to receive the support needed in order to enjoy their lives.

Through all the struggles I faced in my city, destiny..god.. or the Universe… always put in my path, people who needed a shoulder. The guys, were the most outgoing, lovely.. but needed so much more than the superficial life.

One of them became a very good friend of mine when I was going through post partum depression. While I was receiving therapy with an amazing psychologist, I realized the stigma about depression is a reality many of us live but will not share.

It takes courage, a lot of tears, setbacks and lows in life. It takes a lot of support, social circle that will lift you up, a good therapist, a combination of medications that will help your brain to get out of that chemical instability that our bodies and mind might tend to go to. Not all depressions are the same type. Not everyone feels the same, or reacts the same towards different circumstances. Not everyone counts with a good supportive system to get out easily if a depressive episode. Not everyone have the courage to take the hard route and get the root of the problem and works in it.

While depression is in many articles, is being explained in many sites and you see a lot of commercials. Unfortunately not many people share their experiences to support the others who are going through a rough patch at the moment. Therefore if you are reading and looking for an exit to a long time dreading heart and mind full of emptiness and sadness… look for professional help that will listen to you and understand your situation. Try as much as you can, to all the natural and pharmaceutical options there are, work our daily, have a balanced nutrition, meditate, pray, find a hobby but mostly: look for those who you can reach out and can lift you up.

Unfortunately we find that in society: depression, anxiety or any mental health condition could be a stigma for many; sometimes is not their fault as we have many generations with the same legacy and mindset. Unfortunately an ignorant comment can damage, or the denial of many can really hurt those that go through depression … so at the end of the day look for the yay and avoid the nayers while you get out of the depression…. Because it is possible to go through it and leave it all behind!



Diana C Ariza

Entrepreneur & Startups | Social Media |Non-Profit| Mom | Disabilities Advocate | Emprendedora | Nurse |