Nokia Failed My World 2013

Based on my unrealistic dreams, at least.

Ludger A. Rinsche
3 min readOct 23, 2013


This is a follow up to my Medium post “Nokia, World, 2013“.

Nokia disappointed me with their line-up. The German word for “disappointing” is “enttäuschend” and if you translate “enttäuschend” word-by-word into English, you get “un-fooling” — Nokia un-fooled me with their line-up. I fooled myself into believing or hoping that they would come up with something earth-shattering. But they didn’t.

Don’t get me wrong, they have presented some pretty decent products, but compared to my hopes and dreams, Nokia just delivered the bare minimum.

The Wildcard

Okay, this one I give to them. Not because they released some magic watch or the HERE eye-patch, but because Nokia continues to amaze me with their software. Especially in the imaging department (RAW!, Nokia Camera, Nokia Storyteller), but also Fastlane, their Asha home screen, looks gorgeous. And Nokia Beamer is also very cool.

Lumia 2520

The best Windows RT tablet out there.

Congratulations Nokia, you have created the best Windows RT tablet. And you addressed most of my hopes:

  1. Free Office: Check. Office is in the box.
  2. Free Nokia Music: Check. Will be pre-installed.
  3. Free Keyboard-Dock: No, the dock with battery included will cost you $150. But at least it exists. And the quick-charging sounds cool.

So it met my hopes except for the price. Tablet and keyboard together will cost you $649. At this price point, it is not a viable Chrome Book competition anymore. And in my opinion that is the only fight Windows RT could win.

Nokia should have used an Intel Atom Bay Trail. The Dell Venue 11 Pro has a similar battery life and dimensions but costs almost the same. I don’t see the advantage in ARM if they aren’t cheaper and have no better power consumption…

Lumia 1520

Not a phablet, but a giant phone!

As I thought, Nokia was not able to add any software or features to this device to make it anything more than a giant phone. I don’t blame them, but still, it is not enough in my eyes. I just hope that a lot of customers think different and buy it.

All Theses Ashas

Together totally different.
Look how different they are!

All I hoped for was that the three new Asha phones would be more than slight adaptions of the Asha 501. My hope was crushed.

I dreamed for a QWERTY Asha — has not happened.
I dreamed for a better resolution — has not happened.
I dreamed for a bigger screen — has not happened.
I dreamed for a starting price of $65 — has not... Well, $69. Okay.

But the cheapest model, the Asha 500, which sells for $69 will also have a smaller screen. I don’t think that the keyboard would work very well on a 2.8 inch screen.

Samsung can off the Rex 90 for $99 and it has a 3.5 inch screen…


No Guru was seen. It is probably just a Bluetooth headset which will be announced at some time in the future. Or never.

Soo… this is it? I guess, unless there is a wonder and the shareholders decide that they don’t want to sell. Or maybe, just maybe, Nokia grows balls and keep an eye on the consumer market.

