Customer strategy offers the organization

Customer strategy offers the organization..

Helge Tennø
2 min readOct 12, 2018


Customer strategy is an approach to business strategy. A method to get the customer perspective into business and technology development processes, which require other customer tools than those we use for brand and marketing.

Traditional means of strategy and management can easily turn the organization on itself increasing the efficiency of individual silos, but deteriorating the relationship between them.

Traditional means are great as long a you avoid cross functional problems and opportunities. Unfortunately this is unavoidable as the customer demands increasing amounts of attention from the organization. This is because almost all customer problems are cross functional and asymmetric to the organizations efficient framework.

almost all customer problems are cross functional and asymmetric to the organizations efficient framework.

The best outcome of traditional management is a mild case of company politics. The worst scenario is cross silo sabotage.

IBM CSuite study

I have met countless organizations unable to produce value efficiently because one or more of the numerous business units invited to every meeting have opposing priorities. This is the failure of consensus versus consent. This is the deterioration of trust in the organization as units and stakeholders only count on themselves to protect their own best interest — because that is how they are measured.

one or more of the numerous business units invited to every meeting have opposing priorities

the deterioration of trust in the organization as units and stakeholders only count on themselves to protect their own best interest.

Customer strategy gives the organization options. It is a way to help talents and teams to unite around a common purpose and act in concert.

Customer strategy offers the organization:
1. Collectively see the world from the same perspective

2. Come together around a joint objective

3. Operate in coordination towards a combined goal

4. Develop a shared language and understanding

5. Fuel the organizations self-awareness, as opposed to self-centeredness

6. Expand the solution space — the area within where the company searches for solutions

7. Prioritize investments in products and services that increases customer value not fortifies company politics

