Just Start!

Everything Self Improvement
3 min readApr 16, 2023

Stop Procrastinating And Just Start

Start written in chalk with two feet standing below
Photo by Ann H Taken From Pexels:

Do you spend more time putting things off than actually doing things?

Don’t worry this one is as much for me as it is for you. You know the phrase “there's no time like the present”? which is very inspirational and all that but my problem is that my “present” a lot of times comes after a cigarette, then a coffee, then some YouTube, then another smoke, and that smoke requires another coffee, and so on and so fourth.

Until an hour becomes a day, becomes a week and the boom its been 5 years since you've last made a YouTube video, streamed, or did any graphic design, or in fact did anything that was going to make you rich someday that you put your heart and soul into once upon a time.

The above example is my life but feel free to change them to your own, perhaps your not as bad as I am, perhaps your worse but either way, we are going to change it together, with a very simple two word mantra: Just Start!

Wooden blocks saying “Why Not Now”
Photo by Brett Jordan Taken From Pexels:

Let me explain, we all have things we would rather not do or “we could see far enough” like go to work, an appointment, and interview, or sometimes just to see a friend or loved one (as bad as it sounds, its not them its just the doing of it that’s the hard part)

Everything you have to do you have a decision, we say “I have no choice” but physically you do, you could decide to just say sod it and not go, or not do it, or ill do it later. However once we just start to do it instantly it becomes easier, just get up and start getting ready, this puts you in the mindset of “I’m going now” and your attitude changes you become focused on what it is your doing and you do it.

The more we put things off the harder they are to do, and this is everything like house work builds up and becomes harder to manage, you forget about what you really wanted to do and become distracted until you never go back to it, your workload builds up or perhaps lose your job for not going in, relationships become harder to maintain because it becomes awkward or there’s a fight or whatever.

Wooden blocks saying “LIFE WILL NOT WAIT”
Photo by Brett Jordan taken From Pexels:

Only when you take the first step can the second step become possible. So just start, not everything will always go to plan and life will sometimes take over or time will get away from us, or sometimes we just need a break and that’s ok, but when you get the time or you've had your blow out or your chill out or whatever the case may be don’t put it off more just say “this was my plan today so I am going to just start now” and when you do what you really wanted to do you can look back and say yes this was a good day I did what I wanted, achieved what I wanted to achieve and I have no regrets.

Ill let you into a little secret, it is because of this mantra that this story is being written right now, I haven’t written anything in about a week at this point because I kept putting it off and becoming distracted, but I love writing and I am glad to have successfully finished this story :)

Thank you for reading. If you want to reach out to me for support, a friend, or if you want to use this content or content like this for your site or publication please contact me via email: Darkcrow343@gmail.com



Everything Self Improvement

Why when most of us see a bio section do we suddenly say "oh no I have to talk about myself" although that's the reason why we are here to tell our stories?