Sherry McGuinn
Everything Shortform
1 min readFeb 17, 2021

Cats are mystics, I believe.

Image by Francesco, Pexels

The way they hold our gaze…look deep into our soul. The way they just know when we’re feeling low and bestow comfort with a velvety pat on our cheek.

Over thirty years of living with cats has taught me that they are complex creatures with stories to reveal, if only we pay attention. Listen, and watch.

They see things beyond our scope. You know what I mean if you share your life with a cat, or better still, cats, and catch them staring at an empty corner in a room where other cats once slinked and pounced and gamboled like the effervescent beings they are.

You have to understand them…get them…because they can sense when you don’t.

I’ve never trusted anyone who denies that animals have souls, but cats, especially, are routinely misunderstood.

Such is our way.

Me? I would be lost without them.



Sherry McGuinn
Everything Shortform

Long-time writer and big-time dreamer. Screenwriter. Cat mama. Red lip aficionado.