Katrina St John
Everything Shortform
Jun 13, 2021

Don’t blame working-class people for the systemic failures of our economy.

Photo by author

I’m tired of hearing people say that no one wants to work.

Workers have been treated terribly for years. The federal minimum wage sits at $7.25 per hour and hasn’t been raised in over ten years. Overall wages have been stagnant for far longer.

People who were laid off during COVID-19 had time to reflect. Many lost family members and realized life’s short. They don’t want to work their lives away for low wages that won’t pay their bills. Some have found new jobs that pay more. Others started their own businesses. And others have downsized.

The so-called worker shortage is actually working-class people taking their power. Wages have been low for so long that they have become the norm. No more.

It’s a wage problem; not a worker problem.

