Sherry McGuinn
Everything Shortform
1 min readJul 23, 2021

For several minutes today, I perused the wine aisle at my market…not without some guilt as my goal is to cut down, not lay in for a siege.

Image by studio tdes/Flickr.Com

With that said, there was a guy stocking shelves, and he pointed out some really great deals. Like half off a $16 bottle of Chardonnay, which I have been mixing spritzers with. (Not a buzz in ten of those babies.) Plus, it was a big bottle! (Sometimes, size does matter.)

Naturally, I grabbed one and thanked him. After picking up the rest of my items, I circled back to the booze department and plucked another bottle off the shelf. What the hell! Seven bucks!

I felt good checking out. Until the dreaded scanner relayed the news that in order to get the sale, I’d have to buy four bottles.

“Screw that,” I thought.

Along with a jones, I have my principles.



Sherry McGuinn
Everything Shortform

Long-time writer and big-time dreamer. Screenwriter. Cat mama. Red lip aficionado.