Sharon Woodhouse
Everything Shortform
Sep 15, 2021


I have adjectives and I’m not afraid to use them.

Photo by Bárbara Fróes on Unsplash.

Ebonics, Spanglish, Creole, Pidgin Hawaiian, Konglish. Language is organic, evolving, co-creative. Art more than science. It follows its own logic.

Do you know the philosophy of architect Mies van der Rohe? Less is more.

Sure, but have you seen a Bollywood movie? Sometimes more is more.

Why do I roll my eyes at another pronouncement to expunge adjectives and adverbs from one’s writing? Say bollocks and go about inserting adjectives wherever I please? They exist. Humans invented them cause they’re useful for conveying things we want to say.

Burlap, glitter, and gray paint exist too. You don’t necessarily have to over-use these in you craft projects, but your arty repertoire would be lesser without them.

Anyway, I have adjectives and I’m not afraid to use them.



Sharon Woodhouse
Everything Shortform

Sharon Woodhouse is an author coach, publishing consultant, and project manager. She was an indie book publisher for 25 years.