Most of us have seen the videos of rioters invading and marauding the US Capitol countless times. But these videos get played so many times that it’s possible to get desensitized to them. And we aren’t able to truly sense the danger and fear that the officers must have felt in those terrifying moments with an angry, bloodthirsty mob taunting and chasing them.

Considering how outnumbered the officers were, nobody would’ve faulted them for running for cover. But US Capitol Police Officer, Eugene Goodman, risked his own life to save his superiors’ lives. And our county owes him our highest honor, praise, and respect.

Mr. Goodman is a real American hero! And we need to thank him for defending our country from those who promote violence and want to dismantle law and order. I hope Congress awards him the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic acts.

Video: KAAL



Kevin Ervin Kelley, AIA
Everything Shortform

I’m a retail architect that studies human behavior, perception, and decision-making. I’m fascinated with the intersection of where commerce and community meet.