
What makes an App great

Harry McCann
Everything Tech


With over 1.5 Billion Smartphones in the world today and with the rise in sales of tablets there is no wonder there is such high demand for Apps to make them smarter.

But not all app developers are delivering those apps that make people wonder how they ever lived without it.

Those are the apps that are more hassle to open then they are even worth or the apps that notify you ever five minutes telling you useless information that you really don't want to know or the apps that Show you ads every 2.5 seconds . I am not going to name and shame any Apps or developers but please if you're making an app make sure they tick at least 3 out of the 5 boxes , If not then go back to the drawing board.

1.No Ads

Please if you are making an app (especially if you're charging for it ) don't have ads . Ads are both annoying and frustrating and completely defeat the purpose of Apps being handy and stress free and If Ads are popping up at 2.5 seconds people will not use your app.


Make sure your app is handy , As I stated above the whole point of an app is to make your Smartphone / Tablet smarter , which means the app should be as smart if not smarter than you Smartphone / Tablet and should be as handy to use or open as you smartphone / Tablet .

Also for it to be handy the service the app offers should be handy to use and should make your life easier or better in some shape or form.


One of the biggest problems with the app market is it is full of different apps , under different names , offering the same thing E.g. Flashlight App and well its annoying and pointless . If you are making an app try make your app unique in some way , offer a service no other app offers , give people something they have never seen before . Just make sure it is useful.


Your app should be colourful . You should try implement as much colour as you possible can . It makes the app more enjoyable and easier to look at rather than dull , plain colours E.g Black , White , Grey etc.

Just make sure you don't have too much Colour.

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing

5.Stable & Reliable

Most importantly , Make sure your app is stable and reliable . There is nothing worse than an app that constantly breaks down or doesn't open or won't do what it is supposed to do , So test your app and then test it again and then get a friend to test it . Make sure it is stable and reliable.


Then again some developers are delivering those top quality apps that do make your Smartphone / Tablet Smarter and credit has to be given where credit is due , so here is my top 10 Apps that I highly recommend you download if you haven't already , these apps tick all the boxes and they are apps that new developers could learn from.







7.Facebook Pages

8.Facebook Messenger

9.Google Goggles

10.Google Drive

Harry McCann



Harry McCann
Everything Tech

Founder & MD of Kid Tech (@KidTechCourses), Founder & Director of the Digital Youth Council (@DYC2015),