Digital Youth Council

Let me tell you more…

Harry McCann
Everything Tech
2 min readJul 24, 2014


After spending the last 3 months on my new project the Digital Youth Council and with us holding our first meeting on the 25th of August, I feel that I should explain what we are doing and why we are doing it.

So firstly …. What is the Digital Youth Council? The Digital Youth Council was set up by myself with the Director of the Galway Ed centre Bernard Kirk & Ciaran Cannon TD (Member of Parliament) for Galway East, Irl. Former Minister of State. The Council is made up of the Top 12 young people in Tech in Ireland. They are all the best in their field or/and have received major honours for their work and contribution to Technology. The council will meet once a month in Dublin in places like The Science Gallery, Digital Hub etc. to discuss the Digital Agenda in Europe, ICT in Ireland & EU, Tech News and much more. The council will visit schools, clubs etc. and attend events to gather the views and opinions of the young people in Ireland and express these views & opinions to the people who can make a change in the Irish Government, EU Commission, Major Businesses, corporations & foundations etc.

We have the EU commission involved and a few big IT experts and companies involved already and are now currently in the middle of agreeing terms with a State Department.

The reason I set up the council is simple, to allow young people to voice their opinions and views on one of the biggest subjects of their time, ICT & IT in education and everyday life. These have both been debated and discussed on several occasions and really after the discussion has been had about “ More technology in Classrooms” and “ Lets make Coding a subject “ , nothing was done to make these happen and that is what we hope to change.

I have personally picked these twelve people because I know like myself that they believe in this subject as much as I do and because I know they will each do their utmost to represent the Young people of Ireland in the best way possible way and also get their opinions and views across too.

So that is what we are doing………

If you are interested in what we are doing and want to keep up to date on what we are doing please follow us on Twitter … @DYC2014 or if you would like to get in touch please email



Harry McCann
Everything Tech

Founder & MD of Kid Tech (@KidTechCourses), Founder & Director of the Digital Youth Council (@DYC2015),