The seven habits of highly effective people

character VS personality

You have a characterless personality

Everything Unorthodox


Photo by Allyson Weislogel on Unsplash

Even if you do a simple Google search on personality, you will find that it is more than just speaking good English. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are fooling you and themselves.

No, I do not have certificates to prove that I can give advice on effective personality development but what I do have is the knowledge I have gathered from the past couple of years, studying and experimenting with personality or rather character development.

I was an unbelievably introvert and shy kid until my college junior or senior year. During the last few months in college, I worked on myself and my character. Thus, I read as well as implemented the ways I could build a better character.

I still have some part of that anxiety in me, which is why I am still working on it. As they say, you cannot run away from who you are.

Notice one thing here. I am not using the word personality, rather character.

We too had these ‘so-called’ personality development classes when I was in college. BS. They are simply worthless. Neither the teachers nor the students gave a crap about it.

And when I started working on myself, I read this book called “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey. Trust me, it changed my perspective on everything.

There shouldn’t be a personality in the first place.

The reason I talk about character and not personality is that:

  • Character is you. Personality is a cover over the real you.
  • Character makes you disciplined. Personality doesn’t.
  • Character is all about principles and values. Personality is neither of those.
  • Character makes you stand-up for yourself. Personality asks you to take it easy and you don’t stand for anything.
  • Character is a mark of respect. Personality is far far away from being respected.
  • Character is permanent. Personality is temporary.

Personality is temporary. Like a band-aid, you apply when you have to cover up something bad. Although, this doesn’t make it go away. That bad thing will stay with you.

Build a character. It is much better.

It will take some time but it will turn you into a man of principles who all respect. They may not like you but they will definitely respect you and respect doesn’t come easy these days.

How to Develop a Character?

Be Your Word

Be your own truth. When you say you are going to complete the poetry video until 5 PM, do it.

If someone asks you to deliver a spectacular Intro video for their YouTube channel, do it. Work on it like your life depends on it and deliver the best product you can offer.

Mean what you say. Stand on your ground.

Do not change it for anything. You might have seen Kingsmen Secret Service where you saw Iggsy had to either give up information or be run over by a train. Yes, that is called being your own truth.

No Mediocrity

Do not gossip about people. Do not drag anyone down just because you do not like how they work.

That is unethical. The world is not changed by being as bad as the bad people. See? There is no good left if you turn bad for bad people.

Do not settle for anything less than great.

Settle your debts

Settle your debts as if you owe to God himself.

Have your own set of values/principles

You WILL not change them for anyone and under any circumstances. Those are real values or principles.

Someone very dear once told me the difference. If they are based on situations, they are situational principles and there is no such thing as situational principles.

I will remember this as long as I am going to live. There are few moments in your life that remain with you until you die. This is one of them for me and it should be for you as well.

Be a man/woman of principles. Be remembered by them. Your actions or your results do not define you. You might have to kidnap your own dog to save your child. Or you might fail to convince your high school friend to come for the reunion. That doesn't define you in any way. What matters, is your efforts. The rest is peace.

Call to Action

Where there is a character, there is no personality.

Build a character. You might have to take use of a different personality for an occasion but that doesn’t mean you will only work on personalities.

Be flexible on top and rock solid on the inside.

Be who you are. Here, there, and everywhere.

Be your word. Be disciplined. Have a work ethic.

But most important of all, Love yourself.

