Fear is nothing but unfamiliar stuff.

Nothing is Impossible. It is Just Unfamiliar

…and humans trust familiar faces.

Everything Unorthodox


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Did you know how to walk when you were born?

Did you know how to open a door?

Did you know how to ride a bicycle?

Heck, first you thought that riding a bicycle is impossible but when you kept peddling, you got better and now ride without hands and you try various stunts.

Now if you think about the time when you had this idea of impossibility, you would laugh and tell funny jokes about it at family gatherings and parties. We, humans, find unfamiliarity intimidating and threatening. Our bodies enter a fight or flight response when we encounter something we haven’t before.

Remember the first time you wanted to drive a car and you were scared to death to do it (I still am)?

Remember when you thought you are not good enough to write anything and that people will not listen or read what you have written?

Remember when you were scared to ask your senior for a project change but you did it anyway?

Unfamiliarity can be paralyzing. It doesn’t have to be.

Whatever we are doing today, we started at some point. There was a time you cried all morning because you did not want to go to school but you made a hell lot of best friends.

A time when you went to your first dance class and now you have a successful YouTube channel.

You were scared at the thought of having a baby but now when you look at that little ball of cuteness, there is nothing beautiful you have ever seen in your life.

I am scared too. I am scared to publish this post because I may not get any reads or claps or comments. I wrote this post with all my heart and I am scared that no one will know about it (subtle bragging).

It all comes down to how bad you want to do it.

I heard this quote in a video, said by Eric Thomas:

When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful.

If you want it that bad you will get familiar with it. We love familiarity and it makes things a lot easier.

Go get familiar with something new today.

You will be happier. And a bit more courageous.

Thank you for reading. :)

