One Bloody Boy is Back

It’s a wonderful life.

Marc Stephen Boriosi
Everything Unorthodox
5 min readDec 22, 2021


Photo Credit: Marc S. Boriosi (License Free Photo of Michael)

It’s the week of Christmas 2021 so what better time to update and give new life to something I wrote a while back and now in honor of the return of Dexter “New Blood”.

Bored…Bored…Boring…Bored…I know, I’ll examine two of my favorite fictional characters, The Dark Defender, Dexter Morgan, and the always-near-perfect, Mr. Patrick Bateman. Let me start by reiterating, FICTIONAL characters. Though our world often glamorizes tragedy, I am not in the mood to do that here. Instead, I prefer to see these two slightly eschewed gentlemen no different than the imaginary monsters lying in wait under each of our childhood beds.

Under examination, we come across several differences. Dexter Morgan was the son of a drug runner who was brutally massacred before his infant eyes. Adopted at an early age by a policeman and integrated into a middle-class working family, he struggled to maintain an image of normalcy in common society. Unknowingly, that traumatic incident of his youth led him to an occupation with Miami Metro where he deals with similar tragedies on a regular basis.

Patrick Bateman was born into the upper crust of society. Growing up on Long Island before moving on to become a graduate of Harvard and the Harvard Business School. His morals and actions are defined by this lifestyle. His goals in life are made up of the most superficial of interests. He is often referred to as, and I am sure to his delight, a “yuppie.”

“I have all the characteristics of a human, blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don’t know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy and I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.” -Patrick Bateman

Although coming from differing backgrounds, both individuals developed similar characteristics in adulthood. Both men are generally very meticulous about their actions and appearances. They maintain a cunning guise socially amongst their colleagues while their more sinister sides go unnoticed.

Since childhood, Dexter has felt homicidal urges directed by an inner voice he calls “The Dark Passenger”. He tempers these impulses using a moral code taught to him by his father. There is a process that is followed for a victim to become qualified for killing. A victim must be an “evil” person and vetted by Dexter until there is no reasonable doubt. Usually, his victims have stayed under the radar or escaped the criminal justice system. Generally, Dexter’s victims feel no remorse for their actions until they are under the knife begging for forgiveness. He maintains a pristine alibi and kill-space so that no trace leads back to him.

Bateman’s modus operandi is more helter-skelter. Most of his victims participate in some social interaction with Patrick before he executes. Some examples of this were after a simple conversation with a homeless man, after dinner and drinks with an associate, and after a long night of meaningless ego-stroking sex with a prostitute. His executions do not have a definite procedure, although they do seem to follow a pattern. Most occur with an initial luring of a victim into a location, social interaction, then murder. His concern with capture is lacking. He views most of society as careless and too self-absorbed to even notice what he is doing. He keeps bodies close by and puts minimal effort into covering his tracks.

There are some mutual traits that both men possess. They both consider themselves living without the necessary emotions to be considered human. This enables them to proceed without guilt, shame, or any compassion at all.

Dexter prides himself on being as “normal” as humanly possible. He lives life currently as a single father, and prior to his spouse’s death, as a sociable family man. His alter ego remains unnoticed by his closest family, friends, and co-workers. Any other individuals who become aware of his extracurricular activities are disposed of or discredited in some manner.

“I love Halloween. The one time of the year when everyone wears a mask…not just me. People think it’s fun to pretend you’re a monster. Me, I spend my life pretending I’m not. Brother, friend, boyfriend — all part of my costume collection. Some people might call me a fraud. Let’s see if it will fit. I prefer to think of myself as a master of disguise.” — Dexter Morgan

Patrick’s obsession with the most superficial, surface-only aspects of society causes him to appear as an unlikely candidate to be a serial killer. Although briefly interrogated, he was never truly under suspicion for any of his actions. Even when confessing guilt, it was shrugged off as a joke and laughed away without any further consideration (if any of it was ever real at all). The result of this indifference caused Bateman to feel as though individuals were unable to comprehend the monster he’s become.

Mr. Morgan carries in general, a respectful attitude for society. He doesn’t view everyone he encounters as deserving a quick end. He justifies his actions by preying only on those who prey on the innocent. So, in his perspective, he is providing justice to those that the law let go, while at the same time satisfying a bloodlust that resides within. He also makes an extended effort to protect those he loves; killing his own brother to protect his adopted sister is a prime example.

Mr. Bateman possesses a disdain for the lives of others. A disdain drenched in hypocrisy, his self-image is very high on his list of priorities as well as his taste for designer goods, expensive dining, and high-class recreation are second to none. He has no willingness to be associated with anything less than first-class, which includes people. This is made apparent when touched by a homeless man who he claimed he was going to “help.” His murderous rage originates from his dislike of others whom he views as beneath him, which translates to everyone.

Even though both men engage in their actions in different ways, they both seem to act to satisfy a primal urge. Engaging in these pursuits with different intentions does not eliminate the fact that should either individual’s alter ego be exposed to society they would instantly be vilified and deemed social outcasts. Dexter’s Dark Passenger is more humane in a sense, and he executes within a strictly regulated structure of rules. Bateman’s reckless mannerisms are based solely on pleasure and disgust.

Some questions I pose to you:

Would these two be friends if their paths crossed?

Would Patrick find himself on Dexter’s table?

Is Patrick Bateman basically Dexter Morgan without a code?

Which of the two would you want to get to know and why?

The NEW SEASON OF Dexter “New Blood” is on Showtime now!

Patrick Bateman will be back after returning some videotapes.

If you’d like to read more of my ramblings, I invite you to follow me here or on Twitter or add my email subscription. Trust me, I do have some stories to tell that will enlighten and entertain. Also, if someday you’d like to buy me a ko-fi, I’d be very grateful. Thanks!

