Smart Infrastructure, a Key Driver in American Policy and Environmental Sustainability

Everything Water
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2015

A social and economic renaissance is upon us, but it requires smart growth and smart policies

Urban population growth has been steadily rising throughout the world. In this country alone, four-fifths of the population lives in an urban area — and that number is only expected to go up. This means that there will be an increased demand on resources and services like reliable energy, clean air and smart infrastructure around things like traffic flow. U.S cities currently use 2/3 of global energy and other important resources making rapid urbanization, congestion and pollution a real concern. One of the greatest challenges we face today is how to best design smart and sustainable environments in America.

The Good News: Environmental Sustainability Structures

Municipalities generate enormous amounts of data. Smart and innovative technologies are constantly being developed. The result is improved sustainability models that help deliver the very best services to residents. In fact, there is a growing trend amongst market cities and municipalities that are busy implementing policy and management structures aimed at advancing every aspect of environmental regeneration and sustainability.

More Good News: The Little Engine That Could

American municipalities are seen as virtual laboratories for a more dynamic, digital America. They are little “engines of economic growth” perfectly positioned to take the digital agenda forward and poised to advance social progress in just about every aspect of sustainability.

How It’s Done: With Funding

State owned banks, public sector financing and private sector investing are all utilized to fill in the funding gaps that exist. The most common financial instruments used to fund smart municipal projects can vary from PPP’s, Public Private Partnerships to Bonds to Private Investments.

Catalyzing Growth: Smart Policy

Not all municipalities have one single, transparent governing body responsible for tackling urban challenges and delivering smart municipal solutions. Some are fragmented by Federal, State and City structures which lead to inefficiencies and wasted resources. That is why smart policy and innovation is needed in order to develop and promote the right kinds of platforms and integrated management systems.

The Best News: Creating a New Social and Economic Renaissance

Smart municipalities can be successfully integrated through country level development strategies that spur economic growth and create new jobs, which positively impacts the quality of life for everyone. America can become a key player on the global stage of sustainable living through smart urban technologies, infrastructure and innovation.

Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, Co-founder and visionary behind P3 Global Management, P3GM. At P3GM he leads the global development and policy work behind structuring Public Private Partnerships (#PPP) around smart infrastructure with local, state and federal governments.

