3D Perspectives, corporate blog of Dassault Systèmes

The One Presidential Promise to Earn Your Vote

Heather Towsley
Everything Water
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2015


Ironically (at least to me), the United States has embraced a colloquial reference to high-level officials who oversee a particular policy as a “Czar.” Adapted from the Russian reference for rulers or emperors during the 16th century until Comrade Lenin and the Bolsheviks led the Russian Revolution in 1917.

The earliest use of the term in U.S. politics dates back to the Roosevelt Administration (1933–1945) during which 12 unique positions were so described and appointed and/or confirmed by the U.S. Senate. The nickname resonates for some reason, rather than the actual title for that official, and if you take a look at the list of Czars over the years, the titles are an interesting sketch of American anthropology since the 1930s.

Let’s take a look at some of the Czars and the Presidents who appointed the position. Here’s a brief list culled from over 100 appointments:

  • 1941: Censorship Czar — Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • 1941: Oil Czar — Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • 1941: Price Czar — Franklin D Roosevelt, Richard Nixon
  • 1942: Economic Czar (WWII) — Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • 1942: Food Czar — Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman
  • 1942: Manpower (War) Czar — Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • 1942: Rubber Czar — Franklin Roosevelt
  • 1950: Mobilization (Economy) Czar — Harry Truman
  • 1952: Cleanup (Nuclear) Czar — Harry Truman
  • 1954: Missile Czar — Dwight Eisenhower
  • 1965: Anti-Poverty Czar — Lyndon Johnson
  • 1965: Domestic (Policy) Czar — Lyndon Johnson
  • 1971: Drug Czar — Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan
  • 1973: Energy Czar — Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter
  • 1978: Inflation Czar — Jimmy Carter
  • 1990: Savings & Loan Czar — George H.W. Bush
  • 1993: AIDS Czar — Bill Clinton
  • 1995: Border Czar — Bill Clinton, Barack Obama
  • 1998: Terrorism Czar — Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama
  • 1998: E-Commerce Czar — Bill Clinton
  • 2001: Homeland Security Czar — George W. Bush
  • 2001: Reading Czar — George W. Bush
  • 2004 Bird Flu Czar George W. Bush
  • 2005: Policy Czar — George W. Bush
  • 2006: Mine Safety Czar — George W. Bush
  • 2006: Birth Control Czar — George W. Bush
  • 2008: Bank Bailout Czar — George W. Bush, Barack Obama
  • 2008: Cyber Security Czar — George W. Bush, Barack Obama
  • 2008: Weatherization Czar — George W. Bush, Barack Obama
  • 2009: Weapons of Mass Destruction Czar — Barack Obama
  • 2009: Auto Czar — Barack Obama
  • 2009: Climate (Global Warming) Czar — Barack Obama
  • 2009: Copyright Czar — George W. Bush, Barack Obama
  • 2009: Domestic Violence Czar — Barack Obama
  • 2009: Great Lakes Czar — Barack Obama
  • 2009: Health Czar — Barack Obama
  • 2009: Middle East Czar — Barack Obama
  • 2009: Performance (OPM) — Barack Obama
  • 2009: Technology Czar — Barack Obama
  • 2010: Transparency (Ethics) Czar — Barack Obama
  • 2014: Ebola Czar — Barack Obama

Yet, in over 80 years, not one President of the United States of America has dedicated attention to our infrastructure system — the foundation that keeps America operating as a country. Today, communities across the United States are literally crumbling beneath our feet. Since we don’t have a celebrity spokesperson, isn’t it time an American Presidential candidate adds this topic to their stump speech, and, once holding office, takes our failing infrastructure seriously enough to appoint an Infrastructure Czar?

The Presidential candidate who promises to appoint an Infrastructure Czar gets my vote.

Originally published at www.linkedin.com.

