The Arsenal of RoboHero: Exploring Equipment, Weapons, and Drones

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4 min readJun 1, 2024

In the dynamic world of RoboHero, mastering the art of warfare goes beyond mere strategy and skillful navigation. The equipment and weapons you choose, coupled with the tactical use of drones, define your gameplay style and success in battle. Let’s dive into the intricacies of the equipment and weaponry available in RoboHero and find out how they can be used to gain a competitive advantage.

Essential Equipment

In RoboHero, every robot is equipped with specialized units that enhance their capabilities:

  • AI Unit: Located in the robot’s head, the AI Unit is crucial for increasing the range of the robot’s operations, allowing it to engage targets from greater distances.
  • G Core: This is the heart of the robot’s operational framework, boosting its power. With a higher power level, a robot can deliver more damage during combat.
  • Energy Unit: As the source of a robot’s vitality, this unit is fundamental to its endurance and survival in battle.

Diverse Arsenal of Weapons

Choosing the right weapon can drastically change the result of a battle in RoboHero. Here are the types of weapons you can equip:

  • Melee Weapons: Favored by tank-class robots, these weapons are powerful but come with limited range. They offer a 25% chance to stun the opponent, reducing their energy by one in the subsequent turn.
    Melee Weapons gives its bearer an additional bonus to Vitality and take 2 points from opponent on attack.
  • Sniper Weapons: Requiring precision, sniper weapons compensate for their demanding usage with exceptional range. They have a 25% chance of dealing a critical hit, which inflicts 250% damage to the opponent.
    Sniper Weapon gives its bearer an additional bonus to Range and take 3 points from opponent on attack.
  • Rifle Weapons: Common yet reliable, rifles balance power and range effectively. They provide a 25% chance for a double hit, striking the opponent twice in one attack.
    Rifle Weapon gives its bearer an additional bonus to Power and take 4 points from opponent on attack.

Strategic Deployment of Drones

Drones play a key role in RoboHero, serving multiple strategic functions in gameplay:

  • Deployment: Drones must be strategically placed on the map at the start of each match, setting the stage for their utility in combat.
  • Terrain Exploration: Utilize drones to scout the battlefield, revealing terrain and hidden traps that could influence your strategic decisions.
  • Blocking Path: A drone can obstruct an opponent’s path, altering their movement and tactical positioning without hindering the robot it accompanies.
  • Attack Interception: In crucial moments, a drone can block an incoming attack from an opponent, acting as a protective barrier.
  • Vulnerability and Permanent Destruction: While drones can be game-changers, they are not invincible. They can be destroyed by traps or attacks, and once destroyed, they cannot return to the current duel.
  • Special Skill: Each drone is equipped with a unique skill that marks an opponent with a flare, making them easier to target subsequently.

Tactical Gameplay with Equipment, Weapons, and Drones

The combination of robust equipment, diverse weaponry, and strategic drone usage forms the backbone of tactical gameplay in RoboHero. Players must not only choose their gear wisely but also deploy their resources strategically to outmaneuver opponents and dominate the battlefield.

Understanding and mastering the use of equipment, weapons, and drones are essential for any player aspiring to climb the ranks in RoboHero. Each element offers unique advantages and requires thoughtful integration into your overall battle strategy. Whether you’re a sniper lying in wait or a front-line brawler, your choice of technology will pave the path to victory.

Join the fray in RoboHero, equip your robot, deploy your drone, and may the best strategist win!




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