4. Apps:


Potential Apple Watch Applications

By Kegan Antone and Komran Ghahremani

Since the release of the iPod Touch and iPhone, the world has witnessed exponential growth in application development. Apple’s App Store has seen close to 85 billion total iPhone app downloads with 1.3 million total applications available as of September 2014(link).

The iPhone itself has made unprecedented, groundbreaking moves since its release, selling over 74 million units in the last quarter alone(link). With the release of Apple’s most personal device approaching, many are wondering how the watch will compare.

As a Supplement

First and foremost, the Apple Watch will be a utility. There’s no denying that its original purpose is to complement the iPhone. The public could see this intent glaring after the announcement that initially, only iPhone users will be able to connect with the device.

As a product of this statement, the Apple Watch marketplace will flood with these subsidiary notification-based applications created by mainly the companies who have already seen popularity in today’s App Store market. The function of the Apple Watch is embodied in the fact that you won’t have to remove your phone from your pocket to check a constant stream of menial notifications.

Instagram demonstrates a prime example of a supplement application. With Instagram on a wrist, users will be able to receive a notification, single tap to view the picture’s details, and a double tap to like the photo. Instagram hasn’t created a new application, they have just adapted their product in a new medium taking advantage of a new convenience.

Aside from its role as a notification center, the most useful purpose for the Apple Watch is fitness supplement. With its capabilities as a heart rate monitor, pedometer, and geolocator, fitness as a whole is set for it’s own revolution. With the Apple Watch, tracking this type of data will become effortless. It is a fitness monitor with all of the right capabilities, that doesn’t have to weigh against your leg, be placed in your hand, or strapped on to your arm while exercising.

Any time America can see an increased interest in physical activity is an exciting time. This wearable fitness device concept has shown moderate popularity in other forms. However, it has viable potential to spark a trend, allowing those who take advantage to change their own lives.

As a Game

Game development still reigns over all other application classes in today’s App Store. With a commanding 21.4% of the entire App Store falling under this category, many are wondering whether or not it is feasible for the Apple Watch to play a significant role in the gaming world.

Just as how a user probably will not use their Apple Watch to read a full length article on their watch, they will most likely find it difficult to engage for long periods of time with the device in a gaming format. New wrist games will have to be simple and reminiscent of a time before five inch retina display screens.

Some of these games could provide a sentimental or fun connectivity between users with simple sharing between devices in the area. Something as simple as a heartbeat or a sketch, could be as amusing for that moment as a traditional game. As far as the more conventional applications for gaming go, puzzle games seem to be at the forefront of the new market for wrist gaming.

Perhaps, consumers are due to see inventive use of the watch’s crown or even the Taptic engine, but the reality is that few know what developers specifically have in mind to innovate gaming for the future. The most beautiful detail of the game development and the App Store is the freedom to be creative.



Kegan A
Everything you need to know about the Apple Watch

Never the norm, always the exception. I'm a go with the flow type guy. There's more to me than meets the eye.