9. Commercial Applications of the Apple Watch


By Kegan Antone and Komran Ghahremani

The release of the Apple Watch marks a new era in technology, the era of mainstream wearables. The Apple Watch, if widely adopted, not only has the potential to have an effect on the daily life of individuals but it also has the potential to have major corporate implications. This section speculates on potential future uses of the Apple Watch in different industries.


As it is currently, the Apple Watch has the ability to monitor heart rate and activity. Recorded heart rate data could be closely monitored by medical professionals for certain patients. This information could be used for research purposes, prevention, early detection, etc. The watch could send warnings to to the wearer or medical provider when vitals get to a level requiring attention.

The activity monitor could be used in physical therapy and personal training. Patients who are no longer under direct supervision could be given directions on routines to follow. From the wearer’s side, the watch could help to keep on track. From the professional’s side, it could be used to ensure that the patient was kept on track.

With further editions and add-ons, other vital signs such as temperature and blood pressure could be measured. Wearables like the Apple Watch have amazing potential in this industry.


With the Apple Watch being on the user at all times, it could almost be considered a technological extension of the person. This enables it to be one of the most physically secure pieces of technology that there is. Each watch has its own unique i.d.. Like RFID implants, these could be used in a variety of security features.

Companies with security checkpoints could utilize Apple watches to help cut down on the amount of staff devoted to security. This does open the door to potential exploitation, but a combination of Touch ID and the Apple Watch’s ability to sense skin contact could negate this. This technology could be use in automobiles, home security systems, etc.

For instance, this could be a new form of keyless entry. When a car senses the user’s Apple Watch (given the user has enabled this feature and has not removed the watch since) it can automatically unlock. This same feature could be used for home entry. On another plane, the watch could be integrated into a security system giving notifications when certain doors are opened. Integration with a camera in order to enable live feed adds another potential layer of security.


Like many other forms of technology including the iPad, the Apple Watch has classroom potential. Obviously, not everyone is going to have an Apple watch, but specific classrooms could be outfitted with the equipment. In a regular setting, the watches have the potential to be used in things such as classroom polling activities. In the case of short in-class quizzes and anonymous voting these would be very convenient. Using the activity monitor and built-in pedometer, physical education classes could utilize this technology to track the progress of its students. These are only a few of the many possible uses.


As far a the technology industry goes, the Apple Watch has a multitude of potential applications. The first things to come to mind are add-ons and accessories. The Apple Watch is still in its first generation and although it has a lot of features, there is a lot that it can’t do; this is where these things come in. An attachment could be made to monitor blood pressure, helping further it’s potential medical applications. Plenty of connectivity accessories to help seamlessly integrate the watch into our daily lives can and will be created. The opportunities for innovation are infinite.



Kegan A
Everything you need to know about the Apple Watch

Never the norm, always the exception. I'm a go with the flow type guy. There's more to me than meets the eye.