Game Coding

Game coding is something that I came across on Youtube, the videos were of a guy who was seeing how long it took an AI to beat a game. Like every time I get on youtube, it spirals into a deep web, and eventually I had been there for a few hours just watching these videos.

Game coding is one of those things that I am interested in doing but I probably will never do. Its something that I want to get into but it takes a long time to get good at and there is a lot of other things that go into it. Something cool that I really like about coding is that when you’re playing a game, you don’t think about all the time that went into it to make it playable. I think this is especially cool about games that are big and have a whole team working on it together. It’s kinda crazy to think that all the games that you play are a bunch of codes, and the fact that we learned to do this and are able to have the realistic quality that we have now rather than the blocky graphics that we had 15 years ago.

