Games for younger children

Some games that I really enjoyed when I was younger were mostly wii games. I know that the original wii doesn’t make games anymore, but a console that I would recommend is a Nintendo Switch. I recommend this because there are a lot of old school games, so that your kids can get an experience of what you might have gotten as a kid.

If you want to buy or already own an Xbox One, then some games that I would recommend are Minecraft and Racing games. The reason that I recommend Minecraft is because it really challenges the creativity of your kid and it has a lot of replay-ability. When I was younger I really enjoyed it and it is a really good way to captivate the mind of your kid, it’s also a lot of fun if you play it with some friends. Also the reason that I said racing games is because I think that every kid likes to go fast and destroy cars, so these type of games are kinda perfect. Fortnite is also a good game for kids because even though you are killing people, there is no blood and it doesn’t look like anyone is actually dying. Also the community isn’t overly mean and there are a lot of Family Friendly youtube and twitch channels.

