Mobile Games

Mobile games are very different from any console game. I personally don’t play many mobile games because it uses a lot of battery, but I do like the fact that a lot of them are free. One other thing that I don’t necessarily like is the fact that since they are free, they will either promote their other games or have a ton of ads so that they can make money. If you are downloading games for your kids then you should play the game first and not just look at the age rating because they aren’t always going to be true or accurate. one of my favorite thing to do when I’m bored and am not at home with my Xbox, is to get on my phone and play one of the few games that I actually have on my phone.

If you are trying to become a “Pro-Gamer” I wouldn’t recommend trying to become one on your phone. Try and get a console if you can, or if you want to spend some money, you could buy a gaming pc.

