
Youtube is a platform that I have used for a very long time, like as far back as I can remember, thats at least 8–10 years. I think that it is a great platform because there is content on there for everyone. In the past few years they have gotten a lot more strict on the content that they are letting get put out. Some channels even get banned because a few wrong people stumble on the video and decide to report it because they don’t like something that someone said. I think that if you go out and try to find new content, you should have an open mind and if you don’t like something then you should just get off the video and go watch another one.

On youtube, the content that I like to watch is gaming and vlogs, but I’ll stick to the gaming.

Gaming on youtube is… different. I say this because it all depends on who you’re watching and what you’re watching. Like you could be watching the same game, but two different people that have different attitudes and one of them could swear a lot while the other one is family friendly. Youtube also tends to favor the people who are family friendly and monazite(allow them to make money off the video) them more than someone who swears a lot and is just being themselves. I think that every game that you could think of has been posted on youtube, its all just a click away.

