Stormy Daniels’ Revenge

A sex worker’s mindset

J Chang from USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Having spent two decades of my working life selling advertising to women who sold sex for a living, I think I could convince at least some people that I know more about how a working girl thinks than the average man. In the process of selling those ads, the girls would unload all manner of stories and confessions on a guy many saw as a trusted big brother who knew how to make their phone ring.

While I don’t think Stormy Daniels ever worked selling sex to individual men, it’s clear that she did have sex with men for money. I think it’s safe to say she was financially compensated for her acting roles in “Camp Cuddly Power Tool Massacre,” “Tit Happens,” “Big Busted Goddesses of Las Vegas,” and “Operation Desert Stormy.”

Porn stars are exalted sex workers in my book as they become famous and are highly-paid when you factor in their dollars-per-hour compensation, not to mention the afterlife of featuring in strip clubs and selling merchandise as a result of their fame. Stormy is that exalted sex worker, and I think I know what’s on her mind.

I’ve viewed and read enough about the woman in the media and read Stormy’s ghostwritten book as well. I get where she’s coming from. And here’s how I think the “relationship” with Trump went and her current mindset as a result:



William Mersey
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Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."