About the Sex-for-sale Business

The escort netherworld revealed

It was a life-defining moment when my job freelance-writing for a sex magazine turned into a full-time job selling ads to hookers. But while it wasn’t really my aspiration to cater to the whims of some very entitled and spoiled clients, it beat driving a taxi.

So I went for the job and for the next 20 years, found myself consumed by the escort industry. I mean…why not? I was making big money — and hanging out with hot girls all day. What guy wouldn’t want that job?

I ran with the opportunity until the authorities decided that functioning as an ad agency for escorts was against the law, and spanked me with a huge fine — and a year in prison to ponder my indiscretion.

But that’s not the point. In those two decades, I learned an awful lot about not just the business — and the mindset of the girls who earn their living within — but about the female psyche as well.

It was really an eye-opening 20 years. As an amateur sociologist, I found the business and its practitioners fascinating. And in this publication, I share some of my insights and hope that others will share theirs as well.

I am no longer a part of the business — as I’m not tryna go back to prison. So I reminisce here and invite all to share their feedback, stories and/or thoughts on the legalities and moralities associated with the penumbral pursuit of the almighty buck earned flat on your back (or on your knees).



William Mersey
Everything You Wanted To Know About Escorts But Were Afraid To Ask

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."